
We are very proud of the service we provide for our customers. In fact, we see a client relationship drastically more personal than that of most agencies in our field. Our client relationships do not start at 9AM and end at 6PM—they stay with us to continually receive the quality service they deserve.
Social Media Marketing
Kotapride understood our mission from the start and created a social media campaign that truly resonated with our target audience. Startup Groccery
Groccery Store
targeted social media ads brought a wave of new inquiries & helped us fill our classes thanks to their creative campaigns & data-driven strategies.OK play school
Satyam Pareek
Jyoti Bal Vidhya Mandir School
he growth in online visibility is fantastic, but the genuine engagement we've built is truly priceless
Piyush Dalmia
Dalmia Decor
Kotapride's local ad campaigns brought customers back through my doors and introduced me to a whole new online audience for our Bakery shop
Pooja Bakers
Bakery Shop
Launching our new app was exciting, but we knew we needed to cut through the noise on social media. Kotapride took our vision and crafted engaging ad campaigns that reached the perfect audience.
IT department